I hope you are doing well, and welcome to my website! This is being hosted graciously for free by Github for the time being until I get around to taking out a proper hosting plan and domain.
The aim of this site is to essentially be a an aggregate for projects I have worked on and information for various interested parties (employers, hit me up please :]).
For now I have just added this post, a version of my CV and some details about a fairly recent project, OSRS Tracker! It's been on the backburner for the last couple of weeks in lieu of sorting out some personal issues and to cobble together this site. I do eventually plan to port OSRS Tracker to PHP/Javascript as the usage of Flask was to get around some hurdles concerning my existing development environment. The plan is to deliver on the promised features and to have a more robust database implementation before doing some projects of smaller scope before performing the afformentioned port.
In any case, feel free to have a look around (there will be more content here soon, I promise!) and if you would like to chat my socials are in the navigation bar.
Wishing you all the best!
Rory Gee | 2020